Intravenous ozone therapy

Intravenous ozone therapy: what is it for?
Intravenous ozone therapy is used to treat various diseases and for preventive purposes, helping to strengthen the immune system during the respiratory viral infection season. Our clinic conducts ozone therapy to treat infectious viral diseases of the genital tract in women and men (in gynecology and urology), including herpes infection and human papillomavirus (HPV). The method is also in demand in cardiology for hypertension, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. Ozone therapy is widely used in the complex therapy of age-related diseases in elderly patients. After an ozone therapy session, you will feel rested, refreshed and rejuvenated!
Intravenous ozone therapy is the introduction of ozonized saline solution (OSS) intravenously in a procedure room or day hospital of the clinic.
Ozone molecules have a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Intravenous drip infusion of ozonized solution saturates the blood with active oxygen and makes the body more resistant to infections and viruses.
Озон - природный антибиотик
With the help of intravenous ozone therapy:
The blood is saturated with oxygen, thinned and activates the nutrition of all internal organs, including the brain;
Metabolism and hormonal levels are normalized;
Blood vessels dilate;
Microcirculation improves;
Intoxication is removed;
The immune system is strengthened;
Due to the strong antibacterial and antiviral effect, inflammatory processes pass;
Chronic fatigue syndrome is removed, as well as the negative consequences of stressful situations;
Frequent allergic reactions are removed;
Sexual activity increases;
Protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is restored;
General well-being, mood and performance are improved.
Ozone therapy in a day hospital or treatment room is effective, simple and very well tolerated by patients. Intravenous ozone therapy can be performed even during pregnancy, but there are contraindications.
Intravenous ozone therapy is a powerful way to improve well-being, restore metabolism, strengthen the immune system and relieve chronic fatigue. A safe and effective procedure that suits most patients and helps to cope with inflammation, stress and allergies.
in cardiology for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular insufficiency, ischemia, angina and tachycardia, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis;
for varicose veins;
for the treatment of diabetes, arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
treatment of neurological diseases such as migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cerebrovascular accident;
for bronchial asthma, ozone allows to reduce the dose of drugs, significantly increase the period of remission and make attacks less frequent and severe;
treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
in dermatology for dermatitis, allergic skin reactions, papillomavirus (skin warts, condylomas, papillomas), etc.
A doctor's consultation is required before ozone therapy.
The Healthy Family clinic has the latest equipment for healing ozonation of the body! Thanks to accurate diagnostics and personal selection of a treatment plan for each patient, we manage to achieve fast and high-quality results in the fight against many diseases! A course of 5-7 procedures is recommended!
  • Contraindications for intravenous ozone therapy:
  • any bleeding;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • tendency to convulsions.
Cost of intravenous ozone therapy
Before ozone therapy, a doctor's consultation is required.
for 20 minutes.
450 $
for 20 minutes.
700 $.
for 20 minutes.
500 $.