Ozone therapy in gynecology and urology

Therapeutic effect

Ozone therapy is quite effective in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. Among the pathological conditions in this area, the doctors of the Doctor Ozone clinic most often diagnose inflammation. Hence, the positive effects of ozone exposure become useful in the treatment of a number of diseases:
various acute and chronic infectious processes (cystitis, etc.);
fungal lesions of the genitals;
urogenital herpes;
proliferative processes (condylomas, papillomas);
septic conditions.
The appointment of ozone therapy after gynecological and urological surgeries reduces the incidence of postoperative complications several times. At the same time, the recovery of the body is significantly accelerated, and the length of stay in the hospital is reduced.
The balanced and professional approach of the clinic's doctors allows us to achieve unique results when using ozone therapy in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases.
Usually, this method of physiotherapy treatment is included in the patient's treatment plan in advance at the clinic. However, it can also be used when the patient has been previously treated at another institution. Positive effects are achieved by activating metabolic processes at the cellular level. At the same time, the body's response to inflammation is normalized, and its own immunity is strengthened. This mechanism of action allows avoiding significant drug loads in chronic processes and during the recovery period after surgery.
Prescribing ozone therapy after surgical interventions significantly reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications
Озон - природный антибиотик
Method of application

Like other physiotherapeutic treatments, ozone therapy should be prescribed by a qualified specialist at a certain stage of the course of a gynecological or urological disease. The experience and professionalism of the doctors of the private clinic "Doctor Ozone" give confidence in the correct choice of technique and the achievement of a positive result.
For the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases, the entire arsenal of world scientific developments can be used. The clinic is fluent in general and local methods of ozone application.
Depending on the category and stage of the disease, the following can be used:
intravenous infusions and intramuscular injections of ozone-enriched saline;
rectal insufflation of an oxygen-ozone mixture;
subcutaneous administration of the active substance into biologically active points of the human body;
a combination of autohemotherapy and ozone therapy (enrichment of a portion of blood with medical ozone for intramuscular administration);
local treatment using ozone-enriched olive and cocoa butter, creams and ointments.
The method of therapy, volumes and duration of treatment are determined individually in each specific case. Usually, ozone therapy should be preceded by a course of treatment for the underlying disease using traditional methods that have been developed by our specialists to a world-class level.
In this case, individual characteristics of the person, the nature of the course of the gynecological, urological disease and previously undertaken treatment measures are necessarily taken into account.
As a rule, 2-3 sessions per week are prescribed. The number of sessions is determined individually and ranges from 5 to 15 procedures in the main course of treatment.
Ozone therapy is a modern method in gynecology, which has proven itself as an effective means for restoring health and accelerating the healing process.
Озон - природный антибиотик
Proof of effectiveness

Correct and consistent prescription of ozone therapy allows you to feel a positive effect already during the second or third procedure. The manifestations are due to the positive dynamics of the underlying disease:
pain in gynecological problems decreases or disappears;
well-being improves
symptoms of intoxication disappear;
urine laboratory parameters approach the norm;
the cellular composition of the smear is restored;
urination is normalized;
the normal composition of the vaginal flora returns.
Improvement of local indicators is accompanied by noticeable positive phenomena from the whole body. In addition, these changes occur for some time after the completion of the main course of treatment in the private clinic "Doctor Ozone". Therefore, repeated ozone therapy sessions are prescribed no earlier than after several months.
Modern medicine never ceases to amaze us with its innovative treatment methods. One of these methods is ozone therapy, which has found wide application in gynecology. It helps improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and improve overall health of the body. The Doctor Ozone Clinic offers a comprehensive approach to treatment using ozone therapy.
Ozone therapy opens up new horizons in the treatment of women's diseases and allows women to feel comfortable and confident.